Capital Structuring

At CP, we recognize the significance of optimizing your company’s capital structure to support your growth objectives and maximize shareholder value. Our Capital Structuring service involves a meticulous analysis of your company’s current capital structure, including its debt and equity composition. Here’s how we approach Capital Structuring:

Capital Structuring
Our Approach


Our team of experts conducts a comprehensive evaluation of your company’s financials, taking into account its existing debt obligations, equity investments, and projected cash flows. We consider various factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and potential equity dilution to gain a holistic understanding of your financial structure.

Optimal Financing Mix

Based on the evaluation, we recommend the most suitable financing mix that aligns with your growth objectives and financial capabilities. We assess your risk tolerance, cost of capital, and the availability of financing options to determine the optimal balance between debt and equity.

Financing Recommendations

Drawing on our industry expertise and market insights, we provide strategic recommendations on financing options that best suit your company’s needs. This may include debt issuance, equity financing, or a combination of both. We consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option, including their impact on your balance sheet, interest expenses, and ownership structure.

Financial Structure Optimization

Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve an efficient capital structure that enhances shareholder value. We collaborate closely with you to develop a customized financial structure that strikes the right balance between debt and equity. By optimizing your financial structure, we enable you to access the benefits of debt financing, such as tax advantages and leverage, while maintaining flexibility and control through equity financing.



Assess current capital structure, debt, and equity composition
Evaluate financials, interest rates, repayment terms, and equity dilution



Recommend suitable financing mix aligned with growth objectives
Consider risk tolerance, cost of capital, and available financing options



Provide strategic recommendations on debt issuance, equity financing, or hybrid instruments
Assess impact on balance sheet, interest expenses, and ownership structure



Collaborate with clients to develop a customized financial structure
Optimize balance between debt and equity to enhance shareholder value


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