Deal Structuring

Deal Structuring is a critical sub-service offered by CP’s Deal Advisory team, focused on assisting businesses in optimizing the terms and conditions of a transaction to ensure fairness and advantage for all parties involved. Our experienced professionals provide valuable guidance and expertise to help clients navigate the complexities of deal structuring and maximize their outcomes.

The process of deal structuring begins with a thorough analysis of the transaction’s objectives and the parties involved. Our team works closely with clients to understand their specific goals, whether it’s a merger, acquisition, joint venture, or any other form of business transaction. By gaining a deep understanding of the client’s objectives, we can tailor the deal structure to align with their strategic priorities.

Deal Structuring
One of the key aspects of deal structuring is evaluating different financing options available to support the transaction. We assess the client’s financial position, funding requirements, and risk tolerance to identify the most suitable financing sources. This may involve considering traditional debt financing, equity financing, mezzanine financing, or other innovative financing solutions. By carefully evaluating the available options, we help clients choose the financing structure that best fits their needs and minimizes their cost of capital.
Creating an optimal deal structure is essential to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks associated with the transaction. Our team considers various factors such as tax implications, legal considerations, regulatory requirements, and operational synergies to design a structure that meets the client’s objectives. We work closely with legal and tax advisors to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as to mitigate any potential risks or challenges.
During the deal structuring process, we also identify potential risks and opportunities associated with the transaction. This involves conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, including analyzing market dynamics, competitive landscape, and potential operational challenges. By identifying and addressing these risks proactively, we help clients mitigate uncertainties and enhance the overall success of the transaction. Additionally, we identify opportunities for value creation, such as cost synergies, revenue growth potential, or market expansion, to further optimize the deal structure
Our deal advisory team provides ongoing support throughout the structuring process, working closely with clients to refine the terms and conditions of the transaction. We facilitate negotiations between the parties involved, helping to find common ground and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Our expertise in deal structuring and market knowledge enables us to identify favorable terms and negotiate on behalf of our clients to ensure they secure the most advantageous deal structure.
In summary, deal structuring is a crucial aspect of the deal-making process, and our deal advisory team is dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance and support. By evaluating financing options, creating optimal deal structures, and identifying potential risks and opportunities, we help clients achieve fairness, advantage, and optimal outcomes in their transactions. Our expertise in deal structuring, combined with our commitment to client success, ensures that businesses can navigate the complex landscape of transactions with confidence and achieve their strategic objectives.
Deal Structuring Process Chart



  • Assess the transaction’s financial and strategic objectives
  • Consider financing options and potential deal structures


Deal Terms Determination

  • Determine purchase price, payment terms, and conditions
  • Analyze potential risks and opportunities


Financing Analysis

  • Evaluate financing options for the transaction
  • Assess impact on the balance sheet and ownership structure


Negotiation and Agreement

  • Provide guidance on negotiations and legal aspects
  • Help reach an agreement on deal terms and conditions

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